Creek Kidz is for children newborn-6th grade. Our mission through Creek Kidz is to teach children to:
Love God (in his word, prayer, our witness, and our worship)
Love others (through our church, ministry, generosity, and while on mission)
All while partnering with parents in the biblical discipleship of their children.
Nursery is available for 6 weeks through the age of 3 during Sunday School and Morning Worship. It provides parents the opportunity to worship and attend adult education classes, knowing that their young children are in a safe and nurturing place.
Little Praisers:
During our Sunday School hour, our 3-6 year-olds have a blast as they experience a fun time learning about God through small groups. We also offer Children's Church for children 3-6 years old. We dismiss from Sunday morning worship after music.
On Wednesday nights during the school year, Little Praisers meet together for music, games, and bible study that focuses on helping your children understand the importance of learning about God’s word.
Creek Kidz:
Our 1st-6th graders meet together on Sunday Mornings in small groups where teachers focus on helping your children develop their relationship with Christ.
Wednesday nights during the school year, we offer Girls in Actions (Girls) and Royal Ambassadors (Boys). These programs teach your children about how God is working in the world today and teaches them that they have a purpose in God’s plan. They will learn about missions, prays for missions, and do missions in our community and the world around them.
We offer many events throughout the year for the Children to fellowship together in order to build friendships. These events include VBS, Fall Festival, Treats in the Streets, Easter Party, Kidz Camp, GA camp, Summer Family Outings, and many more.
To keep up with everything going on with Creek Kidz, follow us on Facebook.

Rocky Creek Students is our 7th-12th grade ministry. We exist to help students take next steps toward owning their faith. We do this through regular weekly programs and special events.
Mid-Week Service
On Wednesday evenings we meet for games, fellowship, biblical teaching, and small groups.
Sunday School
Every Sunday morning, our students meet together to take a deep dive into scripture. We are studying the bible book by book to see how everything points back to the gospel.
Our Students ministry hosts several events throughout the year to help students connect with one another, small group leaders, and ultimately with God. These include D-Now Weekend, Summer Camp, Xtreme Winter Conference, and more.
To keep up with everything going on with our student ministry, follow us on Facebook or Instagram:

We have ample opportunities for adults of all ages to get connected here at Rocky Creek. We offer Men's, Women's, and Co-Ed Sunday School classes with other adults in your stage of life. We also have Community Groups that meet during the school year.
In addition to Sunday School and Community Groups, our church hosts Men's, Women's and Family events throughout the year for you to connect, grow, and serve.
Jolly Elders is our senior adult ministry. This ministry meets together monthly throughout the school year for a meal, devotion, and fellowship. In addition, our Jolly Elders take several trips throughout the year. If you are 55+, this ministry is for you!

Iglesia Bautista Rocky Creek Ministerio Hispano
Estamos agradecidos por los hombres que Dios trae a nuestra comunidad. Mientras estás con nosotros, ¡queremos compartir el amor de Jesús contigo!
We are thankful for the men God brings to our community. While you are with us, we want to share the love of Jesus with you!
Follow our Hispanic ministry on Facebook to keep up to date with upcoming events.